More Than Bread

Acts Series #56 -- Acts 21:1-36 -- "Living for the gain?"

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 349

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I think every Christian in America should be required to memorize Philippians 1:21. This was Paul’s dream, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." That's the creed he lived by.  "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Is that our creed?  For most of us, who have the label American Christian, Paul's words are close to our dream/creed.  We've just inter-changed two words. 

We may not say it this way, but isn't it the way we live? "For me to live is gain and to die is Christ." Honestly, isn't that closer to how we live, how I live? I'm not saying anything that doesn't convict me. These words from Paul rock my world. Ask yourself, like  I've asked myself,  "Can I say, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain?" Or do I live for the gain now and hope in Christ for my death?

Am I living for Christ or living for the gain?