More Than Bread
It's not enough to get into God's Word, we need to let His Word get into us. "More Than Bread" is a podcast featuring Pastor Dan Nold from Calvary Church in State College, PA. It focuses on simply reading the Bible (with a few comments) in the hopes that listening to God's Word, learning from God's Word and leaning into God's Word will shape our hearts, minds, and souls to bring us life. As Jesus said, "We do not live by bread alone, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God."
506 episodes
Come See Jesus #33 -- Matthew 16:13-25 -- When people come to us, do they see Jesus?
Matthew 16 is one of only two places where Jesus uses the word "church." He says, "I will build my church and when I build my church, the gates of hell will not be able to stand against it." In essence Jesus is saying, "My legacy is a church th...
Season 6
Episode 506
Come See Jesus #32 -- Mark 6:6-13 -- Regaining My Wonder....
In Mark 6, Jesus was amazed by the unbelief of those who had grown up with him. I wonder if I sat down with Jesus and he pointed out all that he has done for me & thru me and around me...if he might be amazed by my lack of faith? How ...
Season 6
Episode 505
Come See Jesus #31 -- Mark 6:1-13 -- What if you grew up with Jesus?
Mark 6:1-13 describes two completely different responses to Jesus. One response was an amazing lack of amazement. The other response is all-in surrender. So here's what I believe. I believe that if you come to Jesus with ears to hear and eyes t...
Season 6
Episode 504
Come See Jesus #30 -- Luke 5:17-26 -- The Fellowship of the Mat!
One of my favorite stories is a story of four guys contending for the life of their friend. And while there is more than one thing, I'll share from that story, one of the most powerful realities it points to is this... "Your faith may bri...
Season 6
Episode 503
Come See Jesus #29 -- Luke 5:1-8 -- Are you willing to say yes to Jesus?
In 2025 Jesus may ask you to do something that you or others don't necessarily think is a good idea. "Not sure that will work Jesus." When he asks u to lean in, you are going to have to decide, do I trust that Jesus knows better than I do. Will...
Season 6
Episode 502
Come See Jesus #28 -- Mark 12:1-27 -- Is Jesus a giver or a taker?
So many, not all, but so many leaders reject(ed) Jesus. Why is that? I think one of the reasons people reject Jesus is because they think he (and God) is a taker and not a giver. Isn't that one of the reasons why people reject Jesus? We h...
Season 6
Episode 501
Come See Jesus #27 -- Mark 7:1-23 (part 2) -- Your heart is the wellspring of life! How's your heart?
When Jesus and his first followers walked this earth, what was their brand? How did people identify them, describe them? When people thought of Jesus especially people who were poor, or marginalized, what did they think? I t...
Season 6
Episode 500
Come See Jesus #26 -- Mark 7:1-23 -- How's your heart?
If I were to ask you, "What's the point of being a Christian?" What would you say? What does it really mean to be a Christian? What's the point? In this episode we will see an encounter that Jesus had with a religious leader, that I call, ...
Season 6
Episode 499
Come See Jesus #25 -- John 3:1-16 -- Looking for a great life?
Come see Jesus. If you are looking for something more, something great, a great life, come see Jesus. That's what Nicodemus did in John 3. He came to see Jesus and in the midst of seeking a great life, Jesus told him, "You must be born again!" ...
Season 6
Episode 498
Come See Jesus #24 -- Luke 4:1-19 -- Survival Skills for Wilderness Days
This is our final episode in the wilderness! In the last episode we focused on the question, "Will I live like I am fatherless? Knowing my father is a key survival skill in times of spiritual battle. Our enemy wants us to believe that we are fa...
Season 6
Episode 497
Come See Jesus #23 -- Luke 4:1-19 (part 3) -- You are NOT fatherless!
Here is what I believe about our wilderness, about the battle in our wilderness. If the words of Father God give us the courage and strength for the battle, the Devil's strategy is to get us to believe the lie that we live fatherless ...
Season 6
Episode 496
Come See Jesus #22 -- Luke 4:1-19 (part 2) -- Your wilderness battle is not just for you...
I think there’s a better than good chance that anytime we come to see Jesus, before long we will start to hear the still small voice of the Spirit of God calling us to lean out, lean away from what we think is our last bit of comfort, control a...
Season 6
Episode 495
Come See Jesus #21 -- Luke 4:1-19 -- Because He loves you...
Luke 4:1-19 is the story of Jesus' 40-Day battle against Satan in the wilderness. Jesus was baptized, applauded by His Father, and then he was driven into the wilderness by the Spirit of God to battle the evil one. Why did Father God drove Jesu...
Season 6
Episode 494
Come See Jesus #20 -- Mark 1:32-45 -- Jesus defend me? Or Jesus make me dangerous?
In Mark 1, early in Jesus' ministry, the people are drawn to him from all over, great crowds. Why? Because they believe that they have found their defender. In this episode we will see Jesus go to battle for his holy calling and go to battle fo...
Season 6
Episode 493
Come See Jesus #19 -- Mark 1:21-34 -- Jesus is going to battle for you!
John begins his gospel with a wedding story reminding us that the Kingdom of God is a party, a celebration. Matthew's gospel has more Christmas story but jumps quickly into Jesus' teaching of the radical way of life for those who follow Jesus. ...
Season 6
Episode 492
Come See Jesus #18 -- John 20:30-31 -- I want a pure and simple devotion to Jesus!
We've been looking at seven miraculous moments in the life of Jesus. There was the wedding at Cana for people in need of wine. There was a child that needed to be healed and a man who had been lame for decades. He needed to walk....
Season 6
Episode 491
Come See Jesus #17 -- John 11:32-54 -- It is so worth it, to come see Jesus!
As we finish looking at the seven signs in the gospel of John, let this truth saturate your soul. In the early days after Jesus resurrection, when his followers turned the world upside down, they were not just inspired by a good story. They wer...
Season 6
Episode 490
Come See Jesus #16 -- John 11:1-40 -- He is our Resurrection Champion!
This episode brings us to the last of the seven signs. And it’s a doosy. Is that still a word? Doosy. It’s a doosy! It’s my second favorite resurrection story. The story of Lazarus and even though the sign reveals Jesus in his resurrection glor...
Season 6
Episode 489
Come See Jesus #15 -- John 9 (recap) -- The narratives we rehearse, shape how we see!
This episode is going to spend a few more moments with the sight-sign of Jesus. It's the sixth sign of seven and remember one amazing thing it reveals to us about Jesus; it points to the Jesus who has this amazing ability to see. Jesus sees the...
Come See Jesus #14 -- John 9 -- Do you want to see (like) Jesus?
The sixth sign is a miracle of sight. But if we are not careful we will settle for allowing this sign to simply direct us to the Jesus who heals or maybe the Jesus who gives sight. But I think we miss the destination a bit if we don’t realize t...
Season 6
Episode 487
Come See Jesus #13 -- Matthew 14:22-36 -- If you want to see Jesus, get out of the boat!
Remember in the last episode I said, "Storms can drive us from God or storms can draw us to God. Don't let them drive you from God. Let them draw you to God." Whenever I get caught in a life-storm, I have two choices. I can stay in the boat, or...
Season 6
Episode 486
Come See Jesus #12 -- John 6:15-21 -- A water-walking storm-sign!
This isn't the main truth of this episode, but it's so important. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't storm-proof our lives. In fact I guarantee you every life will face storms. In fact, getting to a life that thrives, will require some storms th...
Season 6
Episode 485
Come See Jesus #11 -- John 6:1-15 -- Jesus is more than enough!
The miraculous sign of this episode is Jesus feeding a crowd of thousands, but... in some ways I wonder if it's not also the miraculous sign of a poor young boy who gave all the food he had, knowing that what he had to give would never be enoug...
Season 6
Episode 484
Come See Jesus #10 -- John 5:1-16 -- Jesus is a rule-breaker!
The miraculous sign moment we are pondering in this episode is significant not just because of what Jesus did, but when he did it. He did it on the Sabbath. And I guess, in those days, a miracle counted as work, and only rule-breakers work...
Season 6
Episode 483
Come See Jesus #9 -- John 4:40-54 -- What's your seventh hour story?
In today's episode you are going to hear the story of a seventh-hour sign, a miracle of healing; a story of God's faithfulness and a story of the growth of faith. It's a good story, a healing sign that led to faith in the WORD.And when ...
Season 6
Episode 482