More Than Bread
It's not enough to get into God's Word, we need to let His Word get into us. "More Than Bread" is a podcast featuring Pastor Dan Nold from Calvary Church in State College, PA. It focuses on simply reading the Bible (with a few comments) in the hopes that listening to God's Word, learning from God's Word and leaning into God's Word will shape our hearts, minds, and souls to bring us life. As Jesus said, "We do not live by bread alone, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God."
478 episodes
Come See Jesus #5 -- Colossians 1:15-20 -- Jesus would you please amaze me?
Jesus is truly amazing. Throughout his life, people used that word, AMAZING when talking about Jesus. But it didn't mean, "wow that's interesting, or odd; or even worth a second glance." No the words used about him meant heart-trembling, knee-q...
Season 6
Episode 478
Come See Jesus #4 -- Philippians 3:7-14 -- What are you counting on?
Of all the acheivements and accolades in his life, Paul considered knowing Jesus, his greatest treasure. He placed his confidence for all good things in Jesus. He was counting on Jesus. So I want to invite you to come and see this Jesus who is ...
Season 6
Episode 477
Come See Jesus #3 -- Philippians 3:1-14 -- Everything else is garbage...
For this episode I simply want to give you the words of the prayer I close with. It's a prayer from A. W. Tozer and is the response of a heart with a deep longing for God. I hope you will listen to this episode and make this prayer your own tod...
Season 6
Episode 476
Come See Jesus #2 -- John 1:1-14 -- How often do I miss the treasure?
Christ is the treasure of God, the gift of God too often unrecognized and reject. A lot of people missed God's treasure because it came wrapped in such a plain package. If we were to journey back in time to Bethelhem, ready to chronicle t...
Season 6
Episode 475
Come See Jesus #1 -- John 1:1-14 -- Are we a people of the Book?
If you’ve been hanging out with me for long, you know that More Than Bread is passionate about the Word of God. The title comes from something Jesus once said, basically, “we cannot live bread alone, we need every word that comes from the mouth...
Season 6
Episode 474
Praying in the New Year #2 -- John 14-16 -- Let's P.U.S.H. in prayer!
John 14-16 is filled with some amazing prayer-promises. A lot of "whatever" promises, like "whatever you ask for I'll do." So why don't we pray like prayer is essential? I think most of us think prayer is important, but do we pray like p...
Season 5
Episode 473
Praying in the New Year #1 -- John 14-16 -- Where are those who will pray like that?
There r moments in time --the Bible calls them kairos moments-- moments in time that are spiritually historic. In the moment, it doesn't always seem historic, but the moments gather, and build, and something happens. I believe globa...
Episode 472
Christmas Prep #27 -- Luke Recap -- "What are you seeking?"
Luke's gospel is filled with seekers? Are you a seeker? Probably at heart we're all seekers. We're all on a quest. We may each give the quest a different name. The quest for meaning, the quest for purpose, the quest for knowle...
Season 5
Episode 471
Christmas Prep #26 -- Luke 24 -- Time for a Hope-Reset?
Some sociologists suggest that we are in a season where disappointment is the primary American emotion. We expected life to be always up and to the right, and then it wasn't. And even if it is, social media reminds us every day that it's not as...
Season 5
Episode 470
Christmas Prep #25 -- Luke 23 -- The greatest gift ever given!
Can I tell you something? It's not just the birth of Jesus that draws our hearts at Christmas. It's not just that Jesus lived and died; it's how he lived and why he died, that draws a life-weary world to celebrate Christmas. T...
Season 5
Episode 469
Christmas Prep #24 -- Luke 22 -- He knows I'll fail, yet still there's hope!
In Luke 22, we experience a difficult moment between Peter and Jesus. Peter was a guy who experienced as much breakthrough as anyone in the Bible, but he was also a guy who experienced failure. Broken fragments of life, crippled heart, fee...
Season 5
Episode 468
Christmas Prep #23 -- Luke 22 -- You're part of his family; what a Christmas gift!
There’s something in our hearts that longs for family. Is that part of the draw of Christmas? We long to be part of a family. We long to connect and when we connect there are such amazing opportunities to thrive, to bless and be blessed. So in ...
Season 5
Episode 467
Christmas Prep #22 -- Luke 21 -- A whole lot of shaking going on!
A lot of Luke 21 sounds at least a bit like the book of Revelation. If you have been joining us in person or online at Calvary, you know we’ve been spending time, this Christmas season, in the book of Revelation. Our advent series theme has bee...
Season 5
Episode 466
Christmas Prep #21 -- Luke 20 -- There's no Christmas without resurrection!
Here's the deal. Jesus was born to die. The manger led to the cross and the cross was the ultimate blow-out love-burst of God. But we never would've known that without the resurrection. Before the resurrection, from our perspective the cross wa...
Season 5
Episode 465
Christmas Prep #20 -- Luke 19 -- A Palm Sunday moment on the way to Christmas!
Yes, that's right. I'm sorry. I know it's supposed to be a chapter a day. 24 chapters. 24 days from December 1 to Christmas Eve. But I just couldn't leave Luke 19. So now we are a chapter off and you'll have something to listen to on Christmas ...
Season 5
Episode 464
Christmas Prep #19 -- Luke 19 -- Let's get covered in His love this Christmas!
After the last episode and its focus on someone who missed Christ, who you might say, missed Christmas, we can’t skip Zachaeus; the wee little man, his tree, and the celebration in his home. Zach is a guy who got it, a guy who didn’t miss Chris...
Season 5
Episode 463
Christmas Prep #18 -- Luke 18 -- You only lack one thing?
In this episode we are going to hear Jesus say something quite interesting to a rich, young leader. This leader wants to follow Jesus and so he comes to Jesus to ask what he needs to do and Jesus says, "You only lack one thing." Now before you ...
Season 5
Episode 462
Christmas Prep #17 -- Luke 17 -- Where is Jesus this Christmas?
At the risk of sounding a bit too much like the creators of "elf on a shelf," in this episode we are going to ponder the question, "Where is Jesus this Christmas?" That's my question, "Where do we find Jesus this Christmas?" So in this episode ...
Season 5
Episode 461
Christmas Prep #16 -- Luke 16 -- Where are the eager multitudes of Christmas?
In Luke 16, with all that we could focus on, we will end up focusing on a part of one verse that says, "The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is being proclaimed and eager multitudes are trying to get in!" I think what Jesus was saying is that the K...
Season 5
Episode 460
Christmas Prep #15 -- Luke 15 -- A Christmas for Prodigals!
Luke 15 contains three "lost and found" stories. There's a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. And with each story Jesus is telling us something deep about the Father's heart and what heaven celebrates! And in a way, he is reminding us of ...
Season 5
Episode 459
Christmas Prep #14 -- Luke 14 -- No empty seats at His table!
In this episode I'm going to ask you, to ask yourself, two questions. First, do I live like I'm invited. Second, do I live like there's still room at His table?In Luke 14, Jesus describes a great banquet and you might say that Jesus is ...
Season 5
Episode 458
Christmas Prep #13 -- Luke 13 -- Don't miss the significance of small things!
In the midst of Luke 13, there is this moment where Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed. And in part his message is, "Don't miss the significance of small seeds." This Christmas don’t miss the significance of small seeds; like a...
Season 5
Episode 457
Christmas Prep #12 -- Luke 12 -- Let's just assume that we all are greedy...?
In Luke 12, one of the things that we will hear Jesus say is, "Guard against every kind of greed." Did you know there's more than one kind of greed? I bet you didn't know that. Do you know why? It's because greed is sneaky. We know when we are ...
Season 5
Episode 456
Christmas Prep #11 -- Luke 11 -- No woe this Christmas!
The Jesus of the gospels was simply amazing. Crying one minute, knocking tables over the next. Confronting leaders and then pouring out grace on prostitutes. Cursing hypocrites and forgiving a woman caught in adultery. Healing the sick, doing b...
Season 5
Episode 455
Christmas Prep #10 -- Luke 10 -- Have a Mary Christmas!
Luke 11 is one of my "core" chapters. I explain that a bit in this episode, but it's an amazing chapter for Christmas Prep. At first glance, Luke contains three separate, somewhat unrelated stories. They are about going on a mission, loving our...
Season 5
Episode 454