More Than Bread

Praying Scripture #18 -- Malachi 3:10-12 -- "Make my life a prayer..."

August 07, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 378

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Malachi 3:10-12 is not a prayer, but it shapes a prayer that I've been praying for a few decades. "God open the floodgates of heaven and pour our your uncontainable blessings on your people!" But the prayer comes with a challenge from God. It wasn't a pray-more challenge, it was a generosity challenge. God basically said, "I dare you. I dare you to dare me. Be more generous and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room to contain it.”

As I was working on this episode, an old Keith Green song kept humming in my heart… "Make my life a prayer to you. I wanna do what you want me to. No empty words and no white lies; no token prayers no compromise." Make my life a prayer to you, it’s not just about my words, it’s about my life. Make my life a prayer to you. 
I wonder if sometimes our generosity is a prayer.