More Than Bread

Praying Scripture #19 -- Matthew 6:5-15 -- "It's like talking to your father..."

August 08, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 379

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If I could sum up in a single phrase what I want to leave you this episode; what I long for us to walk away certain of today, it's this: "God is a Father who loves you like only a father can love you." That's the most compelling point of what we know as "The Lord's Prayer." Jesus was born into a religious culture based on stories and images of the God who came to Moses in fire and smoke; the God who delivered them from Egypt with plagues and miracles; a God who was unapproachably mysterious and fearsomely holy. God was not the big buddy in the sky. God was  holy. He was not their buddy, He was their creator-king. 

Then Jesus comes along and calls God Father...and invites us to do the same. This is the foundational truth of prayer. When you Him Father!