More Than Bread

Praying Scripture #23 -- Mark 9:14-29 -- "Jesus I believe...and I don't. Help me in my doubt!"

August 14, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 383

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In Mark 9, a man come looking for Jesus. This man came with a need; a parent who found the child of his heart beaten up and locked up by some force beyond his control. He had tried everything else, but nothing worked. Then he heard about Jesus. And even though he's a sensible man, he's a needy man and Jesus is his last hope. You do realize that's often when we come to God in prayer, when we have no other hope. In his prayer he asks Jesus to do something "if he can." And Jesus responds, "If I can, all things are possible if you have faith." And the man responds with this famous prayer. 

"Jesus I believe. Help me in my unbelief." It's woven together in our lives too, isn't it. We believe and we doubt. In the end the man's prayer was answered. His son was saved. But he left us an example of prayer, that more than once I have followed. "Lord I believe, and I doubt. Help me to have more faith."