More Than Bread

Praying Scripture #24 -- Luke 5:17-26 -- "Jesus would you do something amazing?"

August 15, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 384

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I call this story in Luke 5, the fellowship of the mat. Four guys bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus. But here's the point that grips me, Jesus told the four friends that their faith is what brought their friend in need, a miracle. This is really the heart of this episode. My faith matters for others. Your faith matters for others. The faith you express when you bring someone to Jesus in prayer; when you take it even farther and tell them you are praying for them; or when you take it a step farther than that and pray with them, right there in the moment, that faith matters in Jesus’ eyes for them.

Your faith matters for your neighbors. Your faith matters for your prodigal child. Your faith matters for the next generation. Your faith matters for your workplace. Your faith; what does Jesus see when he looks at your faith?