More Than Bread

Praying Scripture #26 -- Acts 4:1-31 -- "Give us courage to share Jesus with others..."

August 19, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 386

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In Acts 4, the church prays for courage and boldness in the face of threats and persecution. I've seen this in other places, Myanmar, Iran. Courage and compassion in the midst of hardship and persecution. And so often the partnering activity in those times are bold prayers. I'm not sure what happens to our bold prayers. Sometimes life's disappointments beat them out of us.  Sometimes we are trying to guard God's fragile reputation...we don't want people to be disappointed. But in Acts 4, the church was grabbing hold of a God who is the God of creation, the God who keeps his Word, a God of power.

And God showed up with such an immediacy that the place they gathered was shaken up and the people were filled up and they continued to tell others about Jesus. And it causes me to pray, "God would you do it again."