More Than Bread

Christmas Prep #19 -- Luke 19 -- Let's get covered in His love this Christmas!

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 463

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After the last episode and its focus on someone who missed Christ, who you might say, missed Christmas, we can’t skip Zachaeus; the wee little man, his tree, and the celebration in his home. Zach is a guy who got it, a guy who didn’t miss Christ and you might even say, didn't miss the true meaning of Christ-mas! And through his story, we are going to ponder the love of God. Listen, the love of God, found in Jesus, poured out by the Spirit has this ability to change us; give you a
courageous self-confidence and contentment all at the same time. Paul describes this love in Ephesians 1:3-5 with one phrase in particular that stirs up Christmas joy in me. 

Paul writes, "Without a single fault we stand before Him, covered in His love. "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family by sending Jesus to die for us. And He did this because He wanted to..."

You are covered in His love this Christmas...what more could we need?