More Than Bread

Christmas Prep #22 -- Luke 21 -- A whole lot of shaking going on!

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 466

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A lot of Luke 21 sounds at least a bit like the book of Revelation. If you have been joining us in person or online at Calvary, you know we’ve been spending time, this Christmas season, in the book of Revelation. Our advent series theme has been “More to Come.” You know I didn’t realize till I started prepping for that series, that the birth of Christ was not a big month long celebration in the life of the early church. They were so busy looking ahead to and for his second coming that they didn’t spend as much time on his first coming. 

Luke 21, describes the time of his second coming as a time of "shaking." And in some ways it makes me wonder if it isn't the case, that every time God shows up, stuff starts to get shaken up! Maybe a whole lot of shaking going on is a good thing?