More Than Bread
It's not enough to get into God's Word, we need to let His Word get into us. "More Than Bread" is a podcast featuring Pastor Dan Nold from Calvary Church in State College, PA. It focuses on simply reading the Bible (with a few comments) in the hopes that listening to God's Word, learning from God's Word and leaning into God's Word will shape our hearts, minds, and souls to bring us life. As Jesus said, "We do not live by bread alone, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God."
More Than Bread
Come See Jesus #4 -- Philippians 3:7-14 -- What are you counting on?
Of all the acheivements and accolades in his life, Paul considered knowing Jesus, his greatest treasure. He placed his confidence for all good things in Jesus. He was counting on Jesus. So I want to invite you to come and see this Jesus who is worthy of your life and who thought that your life was worth his death. Come and see this man who knows you intimately and loves you insanely; the man who wrestled death to the mat and sent his Spirit to give us joy and life in the midst of the darkness. Come and see this man who shaped history and invites you into his story. Come and see. That's how it starts with those who follow Christ.
And when you follow Him, you will stop counting on anything or anyone else. What are you counting on?