More Than Bread

Come See Jesus #13 -- Matthew 14:22-36 -- If you want to see Jesus, get out of the boat!

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 6 Episode 486

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Remember in the last episode I said, "Storms can drive us from God or storms can draw us to God. Don't let them drive you from God. Let them draw you to God." Whenever I get caught in a life-storm, I have two choices. I can stay in the boat, or I can find a refuge. Which must lead to the question, "So what’s my boat?" Your boat is anything that represents safety and security apart from God himself.   Your boat is the place you instictively go to for refuge when the storms come.  Our boat is what we trust in; the place we go to find comfort when we are in pain. 

But sometimes if you want to come see Jesus, you have to get out of your boat!