More Than Bread

Come See Jesus #15 -- John 9 (recap) -- The narratives we rehearse, shape how we see!

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church)

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This episode is going to spend a few more moments with the sight-sign of Jesus. It's the sixth sign of seven and remember one amazing thing it reveals to us about Jesus; it points to the Jesus who has this amazing ability to see. Jesus sees the people we miss.  But there is something more in this sign...Jesus gives us the ability to see Him and see others with greater clarity. One thing I love about this story is our chance to see this once blind man come to see, truly see Jesus. 

In this episode, we'll see how the stories, the narratives we rehearse shape how we see; how we see others and how we see Jesus. What stories do you tell and what stories do you hear? What narratives do you rehearse about your life, about God, about Jesus? The narratives we rehearse shape how we see!