More Than Bread

Come See Jesus #22 -- Luke 4:1-19 (part 2) -- Your wilderness battle is not just for you...

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 6 Episode 495

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I think there’s a better than good chance that anytime we come to see Jesus, before long we will start to hear the still small voice of the Spirit of God calling us to lean out, lean away from what we think is our last bit of comfort, control and security. Listen, in the wilderness, few things are more important than taking your eyes off of you, and inclining your ears to the voice of God. And when you hear the words of God, lean into Him, trusting whatever He calls you to do. 

Because in the end, your wilderness is not just about you. People around you might not even know it, but they are desperately counting on you to come through the wilderness and share with them the favor of God.