More Than Bread

Come See Jesus #23 -- Luke 4:1-19 (part 3) -- You are NOT fatherless!

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 6 Episode 496

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Here is what I believe about our wilderness, about the battle in our wilderness. If the words of Father God give us the courage and strength for the battle, the Devil's strategy is to get us to believe the lie that we live fatherless lives. Fatherlessness is the new cultural norm. It's a story being written into the lives of the next  generation; a story heard in songs, seen in movies & read in the blogs. Even if father's aren't missing, we're being told that they aren't necessary. But that doesn't stop the search or fill the hole. In the wilderness we are faced with the question,  Will I live like I am fatherless?

In fact, this may even be the essence of battle. Our enemy wants us to believe that we are fatherless, when God is our Father. You are not fatherless!