More Than Bread

Come See Jesus #27 -- Mark 7:1-23 (part 2) -- Your heart is the wellspring of life! How's your heart?

Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 6 Episode 500

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When Jesus and his first followers walked this earth, what was their brand? How did people identify them, describe them? When people thought of Jesus especially people who were poor, or marginalized, what did they think? I think if you asked the leper, or the prostitute, or the Samaritan woman or the blind man, or the rich tax-collector to come up with a single word that would brand Jesus, the word might've been compassion; all-out compassion.  

What if that was our brand; how we are known? What if every time your neighbor or co-worker or classmate thought of you, the first words to come into their minds were, they got a huge, huge heart? Your heart is the wellspring of life. How's your heart?